Note : The cost of each CD is Rs.260.00 or
12 USD. On the CDs purchased at the Vidyapeetha Sales counter
a discount of Rs.60.00 will be allowed on the actual price of
Rs.260.00. Those who wish to procure the CD by post or courier
have to pay Rs.260.00(Rs.200.00 cost of the CD at discount+Rs.60.00
towards postal charges) through demand draft drawn in favour of
Registrar, Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha payable at Tirupati on any
nationalised bank. Payment through Indian Postal Orders,
cheque etc., will not be accepted.
The price of each CD for people outside India is
12USD. Those who desire to procure CDs by post/air mail have
to pay 20 USD (12+8 USD including the Air mail and packing
charges). Payments can be made through mail transfers in favour
of Registrar, to SB Acc No.1466101000034, Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati, Andhra
Pradesh; Name of the Bank : Andhra Bank, Branch Code No.0111466,
Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati, Chitoor Dist, Andhra